€300.00 (30%)

Total Contributions

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This project recently closed and will be funded.
This project recently closed and will be funded.

We envisage that we will have an We envisage we will have an expenditure of 6000 €.

We plan on spending it based on our objectives 1. Donation of Sanitary Delivery kit: Unit prize of one Delivery kit = 3 000 FCFA (4.6€) Number of Delivery kits = 1000 Total sum = 3000* 1000 = 3 000 000 FCFA (4615.4 €) 2. Donation of Sanitary Pads: Unit prize of one Sanitary Pads =1000 FCFA (4.6€) Number of Pads = 1000 Total sum = 1000* 1000 Total sum = 1000* 1000 = 1,000,000 FCFA (1615.4 €) 3. Organization of seminar to train Traditional Birth Attendance on high risk pregnancies in both the Northwest and Southwest Region = 200,000 FCFA (307.7€)

  1. Providing 50% of cost of booking visits:

➢ Saint Joseph Catholic Health Centre (Northwest) cost of booking visit: 20,000 FCFA Assistance in the Northwest (500 pregnant women): 50010000 =5,000,000FCFA (7692.4€) ➢ Muea Integrated Health Centre Southwest cost of booking visit: 10 000FCFA Assistance in the Southwest Region (500 pregnant women): 500 5 000FCFA = 2,500,000FCFA (3864.2€) 5. Transportation, feeding and lodging of 20 members for the launching of project: 15 000FCFA (230.8€)

This project recently closed and will be funded.
  so far of   €1,000.00
€300.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€1,000.00
0 Seconds left
10 contributors


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