You want to create a Money Pot to meet a need, go to kwendoo. Creating and managing your Money Pot is free.
You just need to make sure that the currency in which you want to make your fundraising is supported by kwendoo. 2 currencies are supported for now: the euro and the dollar
- Tontines between members of the same community.
- Fundraising for associative projects.
- Money Pots: Birthday, wedding,etc...
- Fundraising for various other occasions or objectives.
You must be registered with kwendoo to contribute.
It is possible on Kwendoo to make an anonymous contribution and / or to hide the amount of your contribution. Neither your contribution name nor the amount appear in the list of contributors. To do this, check the corresponding boxes on the contribution page.
On the other hand, the initiator of the kit will have the information about your identity, as well as the platform and this for reasons of safety and compliance with the requirements KYC (Kno Your Customer) of our partner Mangopay.
You have an event, a cause, a project for which you want to involve a community of friends, family, colleagues or your association. In two clicks you can start your Money Pot. We validate it within 1 hour.
You will simply have to fill the form of creation of a Money Pot and to submit us your request.
The Money Pot remains private. When this is validated by Kwendoo, you can send the link to your community. She only knows the existence of your Money Pot. You can always ask us to activate the referencing of your Money Pot on Google. It will then be possible to find it by doing an adequate search.
The initiator can insert the personalized URL of the MOney Pot into his invitation mail to contribute
It is also possible to use the invitation functions of, accessible on the page of the Money Pot. Anyone can invite new contributors by:
If the Money Pot is tied to an event that has a site or blog, the initiator can insert a pool widget on the site or blog. The widget's HTML code is provided to you by Kwendoo on the admin page of the Money POt.
At the time of submission of the project, a certain amount of information must be provided. These are the category of the Money POt, its title, the amount covered if applicable, the duration of the campaign, the description of the purpose of the fundraising.
Once the Money Pot is validated, you can continue to enrich the description by, for example, indicating how you intend to use the funds.
Money Pot whose purpose is racist, violent, abusive, defamatory, revisionist, condoning war crimes, terrorism, pedophilia, calling for murder or inciting suicide, inciting discrimination or To hatred.
Money Pot which finance sects
Send an email to the people you are targeting and restart them periodically
Throughout your fundraising, enrich your communication and stay in touch with your sponsors.
It is possible at any time to modify the information of the Money Pot (the title, the target amount, the end date and the options)
It is possible to cancel a fundraising in progress. You will not receive any funds. The people who have contributed receive an e-mail notifying them of this cancellation. These people are automatically reimbursed (in Kwendoo credits).
You can withdraw funds at any time. It's up to you. For this, as the creator of the Money Pot, you apply for withdrawal from the management page of your Money Pot
To collect funds, you must have provided:
The funds will reach you within 72 hours.
The bank account receiving the funds collected must be domiciled in one of the 28 member countries of the European Area or one of the following 4 countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.
By defaut, your Money Pot Will be visible only by those who will have access to it. These are the people you personally invited to contribute.You also have the option to make your Money Pot public. It will then appear on the page of public Money Pots.
By default, we do not allow Google to reference your Money Pot. SEO is activated for Public Money Pots
Make as much information as possible about you (address, telephone ...). This will allow us to improve our services by knowing you better. Kwendoo is the subject of a declaration to the CNIL. Your information is therefore kept secure.
Access the Money Pot you are initiating. You also have a tab with the Money Pot to which you have contributed
Also access your credits, your payment information and the management of your word exceeds.
Finally, change your communication preferences with Fiatope.
Just go here and follow the instructions.
Send an email to with the subject "disable my account".
Kwendoo manages your Money Pot and collaborates for this with a payment intermediary who receives and stores your contribution safely and in accreditation with the Banque de France.
Kwendoo therefore charges a commission related to the service delivered.
Kwendoo levies a 3,9% commission related to the service delivered. See rates for more information
The contributor to the Money Pot does not pay a transaction fee. At the end of the fundraising and before paying the amount to the bearer of the Money Pot, the fees are deducted from the total amount collected.
Kwendoo serves only as an intermediary between the holders of the Money Pot and their contributors. It is therefore up to the contributor to judge the authenticity of the Money Pot which they wish to support.
The commission applied on the sums collected include VAT