€70.00 (1%)

Total Contributions

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This project recently closed and will be funded.
This project recently closed and will be funded.

LA CHAUSSURE DU DREPANO Is a film with an international vocation and competitive on a world level. Sickle cell disease is the most common genetic disease in the world with a rate of 3 percent of the world's population affected. We provide several solutions which are: - To inform; - To educate; - To sensitize the populations on the harmful aspects and the scientific advances on sickle cell disease; - To assess the socio-health situation of people with sickle cell disease in Africa and around the world; - To curb the morbidity and mortality rate of people with sickle cell disease.

This project recently closed and will be funded.
  so far of   €5,000.00
€70.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€5,000.00
0 Seconds left
5 contributors


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