€720.00 (0%)

Total Contributions

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This project recently closed and will be funded.
This project recently closed and will be funded.

The budget will be entirely devoted to the purchase of educational materials (games, books etc.). "I am bringing together the elements to achieve this objective, and other less spectacular ones. The protection of the ecosystem, respect for one's word, the retreat from ethnocentrism, the maintenance of hygiene in the school environment... all these notions are learned through the daily practice of an ethic of life. For pupils to be able to read, they need books, for them to be able to do science, they need observation tools. For teachers to teach without repetition, we need schools of application that use other approaches. Observation, analysis and deduction can be learned, just as one learns to use a telephone. You have to practice!
So that I don't run out of time, I must quickly organise these examples of teaching. I have to train through knowledge sharing and field practice.

This project recently closed and will be funded.
  so far of   €0.00
€720.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€0.00
0 Seconds left
6 contributors


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