€300.00 (30%)

Total Contributions

0 Secondes restants

Cette cagnotte sera financée
Cette cagnotte sera financée

We envisage that we will have an We envisage we will have an expenditure of 6000 €.

We plan on spending it based on our objectives 1. Donation of Sanitary Delivery kit: Unit prize of one Delivery kit = 3 000 FCFA (4.6€) Number of Delivery kits = 1000 Total sum = 3000* 1000 = 3 000 000 FCFA (4615.4 €) 2. Donation of Sanitary Pads: Unit prize of one Sanitary Pads =1000 FCFA (4.6€) Number of Pads = 1000 Total sum = 1000* 1000 Total sum = 1000* 1000 = 1,000,000 FCFA (1615.4 €) 3. Organization of seminar to train Traditional Birth Attendance on high risk pregnancies in both the Northwest and Southwest Region = 200,000 FCFA (307.7€)

  1. Providing 50% of cost of booking visits:

➢ Saint Joseph Catholic Health Centre (Northwest) cost of booking visit: 20,000 FCFA Assistance in the Northwest (500 pregnant women): 50010000 =5,000,000FCFA (7692.4€) ➢ Muea Integrated Health Centre Southwest cost of booking visit: 10 000FCFA Assistance in the Southwest Region (500 pregnant women): 500 5 000FCFA = 2,500,000FCFA (3864.2€) 5. Transportation, feeding and lodging of 20 members for the launching of project: 15 000FCFA (230.8€)

Cette cagnotte sera financée
  collectés sur   €1.000.00
€300.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€1.000.00
0 Secondes restants
10 contributeurs


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