€2.240.00 (14%)

Total Contributions

0 Secondes restants

Cette cagnotte sera financée
Cette cagnotte sera financée

Our objective ? Collect funds to produce 20 artificial respirators. They will be offered to the main Covid19 care centers in Mali, who urgently need them to save lives.

Did you know ? In Mali, there are less than 60 artificial respirators for more than 20 million inhabitants. However, these devices are essential for patients who develop a severe form of the disease, with respiratory distress. They help to ventilate the lungs artificially.

Who are we ? We are young Malians passionate about robotics and engineering. In our manufacturing laboratory (#Fablab), the DoniFab, in Bamako, we are developing technological solutions to meet local needs. As soon as the coronavirus crisis appeared, we put all our energy to respond quickly and effectively.

What do we offer? We have prototyped an artificial respirator, which will meet the needs of patients in respiratory distress. Our low cost solution has been validated by specialists. ** Why do we need you?** We want to replicate our prototype in 20 devices. For this, we need financial support. If we exceed our target, we will produce more respirators because each unit counts.

Cette cagnotte sera financée
  collectés sur   €15.000.00
€2.240.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€15.000.00
0 Secondes restants
17 contributeurs


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