€800.00 (11%)

Total Contributions

0 Secondes restants

Cette cagnotte sera financée
Cette cagnotte sera financée

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Our goal : 12€/child/month

A project born from two observations:

1) The first : "Youths are the spearhead of the nation". A phrase that is often repeated without an understanding of its importance. However, it is essential to fully grasp the need to invest in young people, in order to maximize their future well-being and, in turn, that of our society.

2) The second : Crises like that of Covid-19 affect society as a whole but even more so those who are most vulnerable, specifically orphans. Indeed, because of this crisis, the difficulties they face on a daily basis (lack of assured access to food and an education) are considerably accentuated.

In the light of these observations, CHRÉTIENS EN HERBE and EMPOWER CAMEROON have combined their efforts to set up the UNITED FOR OUR KIDS project.

Our target

Working together to enable orphans to survive during this health crisis that harbors significant economic repercussions.

Who are we ?

EMPOWER CAMEROON is an association of young Cameroonians, who firmly believe that change will happen through the development of education for all. This is why, since last year, they have subsidized the education of children from two orphanages. They provided full scholarships for 13 out of 41 children who were able to attend school for the 2019/2020 academic year.

CHRÉTIENS EN HERBE is a group of young volunteers who care about the well-being of their community. They were therefore challenged by the mission of EMPOWER CMR with whom they unite today through the initiative "UNITED FOR OUR KIDS".

Our objective

Empower Cameroon has been contacted to date by 7 orphanages in need. Our goal is to raise funds in order to provide for the needs of two hundred children living in these 7 orphanages located throughout Yaoundé, by providing them with basic necessities, for 3 months if possible.

The details of their needs are available by clicking here https://drive.google.com/open?id=127k_l6_8qTTPVG16qusXwcNNh4UDjraa

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To contact us

Thank you for your interest in this project ! :)

Cette cagnotte sera financée
  collectés sur   €7.000.00
€800.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€7.000.00
0 Secondes restants
15 contributeurs


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