€3.117.00 (77%)

Total Contributions

0 Secondes restants

Cette cagnotte sera financée
Cette cagnotte sera financée


HM.CLAUSE Kenya has already collaborated with the Rotary Club of Nanyuki to provide water reservoirs in the spring to local communities. Now the company is seeking to continue this collaboration with the NGO by targeting local schools. The donations will be to provide them with a water reservoir (15 euros/reservoir) which will collect water on the roofs of buildings, and hygiene kits for schoolchildren and their teachers. One part of the donations will be to provide food for the most disadvantaged families: 15 euros will feed a family for 4 months.

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Cette cagnotte sera financée
  collectés sur   €4.000.00
€3.117.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€4.000.00
0 Secondes restants
85 contributeurs


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