€908.00 (22%)

Total Contributions

0 Secondes restants

Paiement de la cagnotte demandé
Paiement de la cagnotte demandé

our objectives: 1- To finance the construction of dedicated toilets adapted to the girls and girls of the pachanpura village school in Rajasthan.

2- Buy and distribute towels to women and girls in Pachanpura village in Rajasthan

The COOP-IN association was created following the second wave of Covid that raged in India.... in spring 2021. First of all, we started by creating a fundraiser to help the people of West Bengal and Rajasthan. We contributed funds to the Indian Scout and Guide Fellowship for Rajasthan and to a hospital that was severely short of oxygen in West Bengal. We then decided not to stop there and created COOP-IN.

our website: coop-in.com

The girls-only toilet construction project is by far the largest and most expensive as it requires the use of an engineer-architect and contractors. The initial project we received included a boys toilet. So we refused it because the boys already have toilets. On the other hand, schoolgirls between the ages of 5 and 18 are very clearly penalized in terms of hygiene and also in terms of privacy. The new project for girls therefore has a cost largely divided by 2 compared to the initial project. We would really like to be able to announce to the director that we have the necessary money so that the work can finally begin before the end of the calendar year.

Paiement de la cagnotte demandé
€908.00Reached Goal Small Separator Html€4.000.00
0 Secondes restants
22 contributeurs


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